Robert Lee Carvill reports – 1972 Conference
1972 AACS Niagara Conference report by Robert Lee Carvill:
What a conference! How can I describe the atmosphere of the 1972 Ontario AACS Conference — it was too big for words to cover. From Friday night, August 4th, to Monday afternoon, August 7th, 730 persons of every age, interest, colour, ethnicity,
Report – 1973 Conference
1973 AACS Niagara Conference
report: On Friday evening, August 3, 600 people began to eagerly gather at Niagara Christian College near Fort Erie for the 14th annual Ontario AACS conference. Hundreds of little children darted through the crowd lending cheer and happy confusion as farmers from Pennsylvania, ministers and teachers from
Kathy Vanderkloet reports – 1984 Conference
1984 ICS Niagara Conference
report by Kathy Vanderkloet: The flagship Ontario Family Conference has always relied on volunteers to help make it run smoothly, but this year the presence of such volunteers extended to the planning and organizing committee as well, as Aukje Masselink and Nick Terpstra joined ICS staffers Bob
The original reports on conference keynote speeches, reproduced in this Square Inch website, remain a fascinating read. Here are some quotes, with links to the full report. Dr. C.T. McIntire: “We Christians must ourselves experience a spiritual disaffiliation from the American way of life. Until we have done this we