Report – 1973 Conference
1973 AACS Niagara Conference
report: On Friday evening, August 3, 600 people began to eagerly gather at Niagara Christian College near Fort Erie for the 14th annual Ontario AACS conference. Hundreds of little children darted through the crowd lending cheer and happy confusion as farmers from Pennsylvania, ministers and teachers from
Bill and Amy Rowe report – 1976 Conference
1976 AACS Niagara Conference
report by Bill and Amy Rowe: The annual AACS Niagara Conference was held on July 30 through August 3. Tents sprang up everywhere on the campus of Niagara Christian College, filling the area nearly to capacity with 900 adults and children. Activities got under way Friday night
Linda Leenders reports – 1977 Conference
1977 AACS Niagara Conference
report by Linda Leenders: Resting from the daily vocational work of their hands, 800 people gathered together on the August 1 holiday weekend to reflect on the theme “The Work of Our Hands”. Coming from all walks of life and numerous provinces and states, this large body
Nicholas Terpstra reports – 1979 Conference
1979 AACS Niagara Conference
report by Nicholas Terpstra: The reformational movement has often adopted the biblical imagery of salt and light when speaking of its role in modern culture. These images reflect the conviction that our place in culture is not on the sidelines but in the center or, God willing,
Report – 1983 Conferences
1983 AACS Summer Conferences
report by Kathy Vanderkloet: AACS summer conferences are washouts (but successful nonetheless). “… and the rains came down and the floods came up” and a lot of people got thoroughly soaked on the first night of the Ontario Niagara Conference, as the longest summer dry spell in
Rekindling a passion for reformed Christianity
By John Tamming: There are many ways to get fired up again for the muscular reformed Christianity of my youth. I did not think that a scotch at the Toronto Sheraton bar would be one of them.