Bert Witvoet reports – 1974 Conference
1974 AACS Niagara Conference
report by Bert Witvoet: For those who attended the Niagara Conference it was an occasion to be treasured. As conference chairman Thomas McIntire pointed out, it was also a unique occasion. Having two economists, one from England and one from Holland, present a Christian critique of modern
Report – 1983 Conferences
1983 AACS Summer Conferences
report by Kathy Vanderkloet: AACS summer conferences are washouts (but successful nonetheless). “… and the rains came down and the floods came up” and a lot of people got thoroughly soaked on the first night of the Ontario Niagara Conference, as the longest summer dry spell in
Clifford C. Pitt – 1985 Conference
1985 ICS Niagara Conference report - From the President’s Pen by Clifford C. Pitt: Well! Now I’ve really seen the strength of ICS! Dorothy and I thoroughly enjoyed the Niagara Conference and particularly the warm Christian fellowship and hospitality of so many of you! It was good, too, to meet
James Olthuis – 1990 Conference
1990 ICS Niagara Conference Workshop: “The spirituality of Creation“ (James Olthuis): In his workshop, James Olthuis challenged conference participants to "explore what spirituality has to do with trees, rocks, water, animals and all other creatures in Cod's family." Drawing heavily on Romans 8, Olthuis extended traditional theological interpre-tations of love,